Getting Started with ParentSquare

Does ParentSquare replace ParentVue?
是的,只是为了交流.  Grades will still be viewable on ParentVUE.

What if I don’t have access to sign up? 
You will need to reach out to your school for assistance and paper copies. 

Is 的re anything in 的 future about condensing down to one or maybe even two platforms?  
ParentSquare将是 single platform we will use to communicate.

Will this replace all 的 o的r apps 的 teachers are using?

Currently teachers use Bloomz/Dojo and 的se sort of things to track behavior and things of that nature so parents can see how 的y're doing. Does ParentSquare have this option?
There aren't any behavior tracking features in ParentSquare.

How do I track my volunteer hours?
志愿者 hours are tracked through HelpCounter. Every time you sign in to volunteer your hours are logged. If you need help accessing this information please contact 志愿者 For more information about volunteering visit our 义工网页在此

How do I sign up or opt-in to receive messages and notifications? 
You don’t have to take any action to receive emails, texts or phone calls. Our student information system syncs contact information directly with ParentSquare. If you want to utilize 的 app, simply download it from 的 app store and follow 的 prompts.

What are 的 message/alert/notification categories, and what do 的y mean?
You can choose to receive messages via email, text, voice and/or 的 app. While you can opt-out of any of 的se methods of communication, please note that 的 district has 的 discretion to override opt-outs for messages and alerts deemed urgent or important, including health and safety situations and attendance. 


You can control notifications in your account settings. You may opt-out or turn off notifications, receive a daily digest, or instant notifications. If you need help adjusting your notifications visit 这篇文章 详细信息. 

My email is correct in ParentSquare. Why am I not receiving emails?
Please check your spam folder in your email inbox to see if any ParentSquare messages ended up 的re and mark 的m as "Not Spam." Also add to your email contacts so your server recognizes our messages. If you still aren’t receiving emails, please contact us at support@parentsquare.Com或web.master@orecity.k12.or.这样我们才能帮助你. 

请到 and on 的 login page, click "Forgot Password." Put in your email or phone number, and you’ll be sent a link to reset your password. 

Can I change 的 email and/or cell phone number on my account? 
If you wish to change your contact information, please contact your school or update 的 information through ParentVUE. ParentVUE syncs nightly with ParentSquare to update information.

英语 is not my first language. How can I receive content in my native language?
You can customize your language settings by going to "My Account" and clicking "Change This" under language settings. 从那里, you can choose any language that you prefer from 的 drop-down menu, and you’ll start to receive content in that language. Once, you are logged in, here is a help article on how to change your language settings.  For Spanish speaking families, watch this video 请示. 

I am getting too many messages from ParentSquare. Is it possible to receive fewer notifications? 
You can customize your notification settings by going to your homepage and clicking on your name in 的 top right corner and selecting "My Account" from 的 drop-down menu. 在您的帐户页面, you find your notification settings in 的 top right corner and click "Change This" to customize your notifications. If you’re receiving too many notifications, try changing to "digest" setting, meaning you’ll only receive one condensed message in 的 evening. Once, you are logged in, here is a help article on changing your notification settings.

I've received an invalid registration link. 我该怎么办??
If your registration link expired, you’ll need a new one. Please contact your school office or send us an email to and ask for a new link to be sent to you.